introduction to alive safe show
*please read each section carefully and tick each box before proceeding to the next section. When you work with a-live as a contractor, we want to work together with you to make sure that we are all working in a safe environment. By reading and agreeing to comply with the SAFETY INDUCTION notes below, you are taking the first step toward ensuring a safe event. When you arrive on site, you will be required to further comply with the site safety induction as well as ensure compliance with your own operational health and safety policy. It is YOUR obligation to locate the a-live representative before you or your team commence any work (this includes un-loading equipment).
*I have read, fully understood and agree to comply to the above Please scroll down and read the next section "when you arrive on site".
when you arrive on site
The the first point of contact is to find a representative from alive and inform them that you have arrived.
The alive representative will be wearing an alive lanyard.
The alive manager will then induct you on to the site and sign you into the visitors register. At this point you will be issued with a wristband allowing you access the site.
The alive representative will ensure that the safe work practices are followed and that you have completed and understood the terms and conditions of entry to the site as per the Online Safety Procedures Guide.
You will also be inducted by a walk around to orientate them onsite.
Workers are only permitted to enter those areas they have been authorized to enter in order to perform their assigned tasks. The alive manager will identify and make clear designated work area. A supplier/volunteer is to under no circumstance enter an unassigned area. It is the responsibility of the Individual to ensure they sign out on the register prior to exiting site at end of the day.
You will be required to report any injuries, incidents or near misses.
I have read, fully understood and agree to comply to the above Please scroll down and read the next section "safety procedure guide".
safety procedure guide
The following applies to all visitors, contractors and staff. If you are completing this on behalf of other contractors or/and staff, it is your obligation to ensure that they also read, understand and agree to the SAFE SHOW guide.
alive has an on-site safety policies and procedures guideline which is based on the current Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) codes and practices. These policies are for your protection and to alert you of unnecessary risks. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand and follow these safety procedures, specific company regulations, signs and legal requirements that may apply to your job.
The points listed below may not be relative to all alive projects as venues and working conditions will be specific with each project. a-live asks that you read the following points carefully and note those which apply to the a-live event that your supply of goods and or services specifically relates to.
Do not commence any work until you have read and understood these safety procedures and know the safety requirements for your specific job.
Any vehicle movements on site are restricted to 10 km/hr and you must observe this limit and have Hazard Lights On.
You must be alert and aware of surroundings whilst on fork-lift trucks, boom-lifts and any other moving vehicles.
You are only permitted to enter those areas you have been authorised to enter in order to perform your assigned task. Project manager or person assigned to briefing will identify and make clear designated work area. A supplier/volunteer is under no circumstances to enter an unassigned area.
You must NOT touch equipment unless you are authorized to work on with that equipment and you have followed correct safety procedures and are trained to use the equipment.
Emergency evacuation procedures – on hearing or being aware of a fire, non-theatrical smoke, fire alarm, fire alarm bell or other emergency warning system, you must vacate the building or structure to the nearest EXIT if safe to do so. Fire Wardens and security personnel will direct you to an assembly area point where you will remain until the situation is back to normal or you are given further instructions.
You must report all injuries, incidents and near misses to an alive representative. alive management has the authority to stop your work and investigate any injury, incident or near miss on site at any time.
You must protect yourself if there is any risk of personal harm by wearing Personal Protective Equipment, such as safety helmets, footwear, eye protection, gloves, respirator or hearing protection for your job.
You must report any Hazards or Unsafe Equipment Immediately to Alive management.
Practical jokes and horseplay are not permitted.
Access to Emergency Exits must not be obstructed in any way by materials or equipment, nor are fire doors to be wedged open. You must not interfere with any fire fighting equipment, safety systems or fire detection systems.
Full-body harnesses are required for all climbing personnel working over 1.8 meters above the ground.
Earth leakage circuit breaker production is required for all power distribution systems.
All ‘non-fixed’ electrical equipment must comply with current Australian Standards “tagging and testing” policies (AS3760) and be tagged with the appropriately dated or coloured tag for that particular appliance.
Hand tools, ladders, ‘soft goods’ and drapes must be all in safe and good condition, and tagged where necessary. Any gas bottles brought onsite must be in good condition, stored properly and must be compliant. You must not use any equipment or tools that are venue property without specific authorization by an approved alive Management representative.
Persons will NOT be permitted to commence or continue work on site if under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
*I have read, fully understood and agree to comply to the above Please scroll down and read the next section "safe use of equipment".
safe use of equipment
Qualified personnel must use any machinery on site. The contractors need to supply lists of authorized personnel, so only persons may operate the machines.
If new persons arrive on site and need to use the machines, their supervisor is to supply copies of their correct certification prior to use of the machines.
When lifting equipment to heights only suitable access equipment is to be used.
NO PERSON is to be lifted by pallets etc on forks or similar.
All equipment on site must only be operated if it safe to do so.
Faulty equipment must be removed from service.
All regulations, standards and codes of practice must be adhered Alive Management needs to have copies of relevant documents on site as reference)
Comply with venue speed limit, if no signage, use 10 kph, hazard lights must be on whilst moving.
If a vehicle is to be moved a warning must be sounded prior to its moving.
Access machinery (cherry pickers, forklifts etc) will have lights and sirens, these are not to be isolated at any time. All forklift drivers must have their license on them at all times and produce this when requested. Any forklifts or scissor lifts operating near BLIND SPOTTED areas where pedestrian traffic may occur, need to be accompanied by a SPOTTER to avoid injury or fatality whist moving of vehicle.
When working at heights or stacking equipment the immediate area is to be cordoned off to prevent unauthorized access. Ensure that safety codes are complied with.
All power equipment used on site must have a current electrical testing tag. Cables run around the site will be either hung at a safe height or ran along the ground in suitable cable trays. Any power equipment not having tags will be removed and not used.
All other equipment on site requiring testing must be current. Machinery with testing tags that are out of date or missing tags will not be allowed onsite.
*I have read, fully understood and agree to comply to the above Please scroll down and read the next section "COVID-19".
Due to the 2019-2020 outbreak of the novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, we are taking extra precautions as well as sanitation and disinfecting practices. Please complete the following and sign below.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include:
Dry cough
Difficulty breathing
Runny nose
Sore throat
By completing this section, you agree to the following:
I understand the above symptoms and agree that I, as well as all members of my household, do not currently have, nor have experienced the symptoms listed above within the last 14 days.
I agree that I, as well as all household members, have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 30 days.
I agree that I, as well as all household members, have not knowingly been exposed to anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 30 days.
I agree that I, as well as all household members, have not travelled outside of the country or to any city considered to be a “hot spot” for COVID-19 infections within the past 30-days.
I understand that Alive Events Agency cannot be held liable for any exposure to the COVID-19 virus caused by misinformation on this form or the health history provided by each worker.
*I have read, fully understood and agree to comply to the above Please scroll down and read the next section.
alive accepts no responsibility for the provision of equipment or appropriate training for these work practices. Refusal to agree to comply to the A LIVE SAFE SHOW GUIDE is grounds to refuse entry to the work site. Failure to observe the guide whilst on site may result in you being removed from the site and your supply of good or services being cancelled.
*I have read, fully understood and agree to comply to the above (full name*) (company name*) (name of event*) (date of event*)
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Alive Events Agency acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.