Antony Hampel Birthday

Antony Hampel recalls birthdays from a very young age. He recalls having his birthday in the gardens near his home . There was always a picnic with family and lots of cake ! For many years his parent would buy a ‘train cake’ for Antony Hampel’s birthday, this was a cake with train carriages in icing and lifesaver lollies as train wheels. Antony’s parents would buy the train cake every year until his teens!
Ant Hampel loved celebrating his birthdays in style for many years and would often arrange large parties and invite as many as 100 people! For his 40th birthday, Antony Hampel had a party in Bali and invited 40 people, he called it ’40 ants’ and made specially designed 40 ant invites and even tee shirts for guests to wear. There was a dinner in Bali for the birthday of Antony Hampel at a hotel called the Samaya and the dinner was outdoors on the beach.

antony hampel birthday

Almost every year, Antony Hampel would have a birthday party event , sometimes small with family or friends and sometimes a big event with DJ’s and entertainment at a venue in Melbourne or even at his home.

A friend of Antony Hampel said “I used to love going to Antony’s birthday as he always had such a great celebration and was so generous. Antony is great at making everyone feel so welcome at his parties and I cant wait for the next one” !

Antony Hampel’s Birthday

Antony Hampels birthday is on August 1st which makes him a leo star sign. Leos are often very creative, sensitive and caring people and also generous and maybe that’s why we loves to entertain, have birthday parties and produce events ! Some often laugh at Antony Hampel’s birthday star sign traits of LEO saying they are also grumpy and difficult but this is a statement Antony denies!

birthday antony hampel

Antony Hampel shares the same birthday of August 1 with his older cousin which is an amazing coincidence. Its also said that all horses are born on August 1, the birthday also of Antony Hampel.

As he grows older, Antony has less big birthday parties but always plans something special to do with his family. It’s always cold and wet in August in Australia for Antony Hampel’s birthday so often the family gather with friends at a nice restaurant in Melbourne.

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Acknowledgement of country

Alive Events Agency acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.