Antony Hampel Today
Today Antony Hampel owns his own company. He has offices in Melbourne and Sydney but lives in Melbourne with his partner and their daughter. Ant Hampel travels as much as he can as he loves to travel and with his family. Today Antony Hampel spends a lot of his time in Melbourne with his family and friends.

Antony Hampel today is often seen at concerts and events and theatre shows as he loves to attend these with his partner. On weekends today Ant Hampel will often drive to the country or the snow with his family.
Antony Hampels Family today
Today Antony Hampel spends a lot of time with family who all live in Melbourne. He has a small family as both parents were single children and are now getting older. His family live on the north side and inner eastern side of Melbourne as do his cousins.
Antony Hampel’s business today
Antony Hampel’s business today is a great success. He works with clients from all over the world and they include government clients and multi-national brands. His business today for Ant Hampel means he manages a team in Sydney and Melbourne where most of his work is done. As a business man today Antony Hampel says “you cant stand still…change, adapt and transition to stay ahead in the game and succeed”

Today Antony Hampel looks back
“Looking back on my career I have been fortunate to work with talented people. “I also look back from today “said antony hampel “ and am grateful for all the opportunities I have been given in my life from family, friends and work”. Today antony hampel reflects on the amazing opportunities he had has but says the greatest of all is the love he has for his aughter and partner
Today Antony Hampel still skis
Antony Hampel today has skied for most of his life. He started skiing 50 years ago from today and Ant Hampel says its part of who he is. He is a great skier and now teaches his daughter to ski and his partner . Today Antony Hampel is planning his next ski trip to France as he goes every year also with his father and step mother as they all love to ski.